Wednesday, August 16, 2006


What's the most interesting compliment you've ever received?

I think I was most intrigued by a compliment a lady at church paid to Katya back in the days when she was small enough that we often carried her about in her car seat.

"Oh, she has the most intelligent nose!" exclaimed the lady as she oohed and aahed over Katya's cuteness. That remark has stayed with me and I sometimes wonder how an infant's nose can be intelligent.

And I'll always remember what a former student once said to me: "You have a smile as big as the ocean!"

This illustration, by the way, comes from one of my favorite childhood books Pretzel by Margret Ray.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

I love the "intelligent nose" compliment. Strange.
My compliment was from Dave, I am not sure how to take it though, but when we were dating and soo in love with love, he said, " You make me laugh just looking at you.". Is that a good or bad one??!! :)