Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday's Thought

A few months ago I finished reading A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. A profound book. These memoirs had an impact on my thinking about the Christian walk, death and heaven. I highly recommend it. Here is an excerpt I enjoyed.

On that last day I me t C. S. Lewis at the Eastgate
for lunch. We talked, I recall, about death or, rather, awakening after
death....I said it would be a sort of coming home, and he agreed. Lewis
said that he hoped Davy and I would be coming back to England soon, for we
mustn't get out of touch. 'At all events,' he said with a cheerful grin,
'we'll certainly meet again, here--or there.' Then it was time to go, and
we drained our mugs. When we emerged on to the busy High with the traffic
streaming past, we shook hands, and he said: 'I shan't say goodby. We'll
meet again.' Then he plunged into the traffic. I stood there
watching him. When he reached the pavement on the other side, he turned
round as though he knew somehow that I would still be standing there in front of
the Eastgate. Then he raised his voice in a great roar that easily
overcame the noise of the cars and buses. Heads turned and at least one
car swerved. 'Besides,' he bellowed with a great grin, 'Christians NEVER
say goodbye!'

Note: Sorry the spacing is weird on this quote.


Mindy said...

I like that!!

A Maui Blog said...

Interesting..... this is one of my "all time favorite" book that I read when I was a new Christian. I highly recommend it to a lot of people - I am glad you posted about it.

A Maui Blog / Liza's Eyeview